
Pokemon TCG Pocket

Area Pubblicitaria

Mythical Slab


Mythical Slab is a Trainer card from the Mythical Island set, Trainer Type: Item, Effect: Look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-psychic"></span> Pokémon, put it into your hand. If it is not a <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-psychic"></span> Pokémon, put it on the bottom of your deck.

Mythical Slab

Informazioni di Base



Dettagli della Carta


Two Diamond

Trainer Type



Look at the top card of your deck. If that card is a <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-psychic"></span> Pokémon, put it into your hand. If it is not a <span class="energy-text energy-text--type-psychic"></span> Pokémon, put it on the bottom of your deck.

Varianti Carta

Reverse Holo
1st Edition

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